Wednesday 29 January 2020

Back from Aussie land

I have been visiting family and escaping the cold weather for seven weeks. The fires were not near me, but the air quality was terrible at times.
I am doing what I enjoy most, looking after pilgrims in winter, when there is little open between here and Sarria - 20kms away.
Also back to being sola and enjoying the freedom I have to say.  Taking time to plan some adventures and where to from here question.  So enjoy the table and what I give, 'cause who knows ....

He estado visitando a mi familia y escapando del clima frío durante siete semanas. Los incendios no estaban cerca de mí, pero la calidad del aire era terrible a veces.

Hago lo que más disfruto, cuidar a los peregrinos en invierno, cuando hay poco espacio abierto entre aquí y Sarria, a 20 km de distancia.

También de vuelta a estar sola y disfrutar de la libertad que tengo que decir. Tómese el tiempo para planear algunas aventuras y pregunta a dónde ir desde aquí. Así que disfruta la mesa y lo que doy, porque quién sabe ...
Traducción al español por google

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susan:

    I hope you are doing very well despite this difficult time that we are going through all over the world.
    I am writing to thank you for the warmth of the place that you have set up there in your home, it really is an oasis on the Camino and I hope many people can value it as you deserve.
    In my case, this year I did the Camino for the first time and finding your home after going through so many closed places and without people was a caress to the soul.
    I hope to return one day next winter or spring, so as not to get so wet, and have the opportunity to thank you personally.

    Greetings from Argentina

    Eternally grateful, Eduardo.


I welcome any ideas pilgrims have to improve the "donativo" rest stop experience for others who follow.